Some Common Terms Related To Industrial Lubricants

June 23, 2022

Being in the industrial industry requires you to be familiar with everything that can make your company grow and increase your business PR. However, many people don’t realize the importance of having the right education and knowledge about certain terms to help them understand their industry better and prepare them to combat any challenges. Micro-lube has been in the industrial lubricants industry for several years now, and we are ready to serve you with any assistance you want regarding industrial lubricants. You can read our blog section to learn about industrial lubricants, their usage, their benefits, and more. This blog post mentions some common and useful terms used for industrial lubricants. Knowing these terms will make the process of industrial lubricants easier for you from buying, using, and keeping them for years.


Abrasion refers to the general wearing of the machine’s surface, often caused due to lack of proper lubrication and exposure to grime, dust, and dirt.

Absolute Viscosity

Absolute viscosity is a term that is used interchangeably with viscosity. It is used to distinguish it from kinematic viscosity or commercial viscosity. Absolute viscosity is a fluid’s internal resistance to flow. It is divided by fluid density equals kinematic viscosity, and the unit of absolute viscosity is poise. Considering the absolute viscosity while buying an industrial lubricant is important.


An additive is any material incorporated into a lubricant or similar product to import new properties or enhance the existing properties. It is usually used in relatively low concentrations.

Anti-foam Agent

An anti-foam agent is used as an additive to suppress the foaming properties of petroleum products. It converts the small bubbles into large ones that burst more rapidly and decrease the foaming.


An antioxidant is also a chemical used in small quantities to increase oxidative resistance. It helps prolong the base oil’s induction period in oxidizing conditions.

Base Number

The base number is designed as the amount of acid, and all the quantity of hydrochloric or perchloric acid expressed in milligrams of KOH. It neutralizes all the basic constituents of a one-gram petroleum product sample. This term also indicates the capacity of oil to fight the corrosive effects of acidic products.

Boundary Lubrication

Boundary lubrication is lubricating between two rubbing surfaces without developing a lubricating film. It requires antiwear and extreme pressure additives to prevent metal-to-metal contact.


A batch is any quantity of material being considered or handled at a certain time.


It means being capable of being broken down chemically depending on certain microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast, and fungi. Most petroleum products are typically biodegradable in the environment within two months to 2 years.


A catalyst is a substance that increases the chemical reaction rate without itself being used in the chemical process.


Cavitation refers to the formation of an air or vapor pocket. It is caused due to the lowering of pressure in a liquid and occurs in a hydraulic system due to low fluid levels.


Compressibility enhances some property or part of the new property of the base fluid.


Detergent refers to an additive or a compound that has the property of neutralizing the acidic contaminants in the oil.

Dry Lubrication

Dry lubrication is the situation of moving services with no liquid lubricant between them.


An emulsifier is an additive that promotes the formation of a stable emulsion. The emulsion is an intimate mixture of materials that don’t form a homogeneous mixture upon mixing.

Filtration Ratio

Filtration ratio, also known as the beta ratio, is the ratio of particles greater than a given size in the influent fluid to the number of particles greater than the same size of the effluent fluid.

About Us

Micro Lube is a full-service conveyor lubrication systems company with international experience and a genuine commitment to professional, affordable, and personalized service to its diverse customers. Our staff has over ten years of “hands-on” experience in conveyor and chain lubrication which has earned our customers’ confidence in our products and services. The above mentioned are some of the most common terms used in the industrial lubricant industry. There are tons of other important terms as well which you should know about. Contact us for more information for conveyor lubrication and industrial lubricants suppliers in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
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