Why Are Industrial Filtration Systems Important For Manufacturing?

  Industrial filtration systems are important in many fields and industries including manufacturing facilities. From food processing to power generation to pharmaceuticals industries, each industry uses specialized equipment. The equipment including its vacuum pumps, blowers, gen-sets, etc must be protected to ensure maximum uptime and long machinery lifetime and effectiveness. Many industrial processes require cleanliness and filtration not just to protect the equipment and machinery but to also protect the work environment.

What Is The Purpose Of Filtration?

The most common uses of industrial filtration include:
  • Protecting equipment from contacting and ingesting harmful contaminants.
  • Isolating and separating undesirable products from the air stream.
  • Protecting personal and work environments
  • Removing contaminants for purifying air and gas streams.
This blog explains some of the main purposes of using industrial filtration systems along with machinery and equipment filtration systems.

Protecting Equipment From Ingesting Contaminants

Contaminants that are released during the manufacturing process are highly damaging to the equipment. The main purpose of an industrial filtration system is to contain these contaminants for proper disposal. In pharmaceutical and other chemical industries, the manufacturing process can emit dangerous chemicals and by-product vapors, and aerosols which could lead to vacuum pump failure and in some cases induce a combustion event. Therefore, it is important to have an industrial filtration system in place that removes these harmful byproducts and can keep the machines running and upright. In this case, a vapor condensing trap would be used to make sure the vapors are condensed and removed effectively.

Removing Contaminants From The Air And Gas Stream

Industrial filtration is crucial in manufacturing applications including additive manufacturing, pneumatic conveying, and landfill gas collection. It helps to keep the gas and air free from contaminants during the production process, and also helps in ensuring the purity of the products formed in the process. Gas and air filtration must be thorough to ensure that all harmful and undesirable products are removed from the environment. If manufactured products contain slight impurities they will become unusable causing financial losses. Hence, filtration is an important part of any industry. Often times airborne contaminants and dust particle ingestion can cause the rejection of entire batches. To save this from happening industries use an inlet air filtration or a combination of an inlet air filter and a silencer, to protect the protection blower and keep the air and gas stream optimized and clean.

Isolating And Separating Undesirable Products From The Air Stream

Several manufacturing processes involve the efficient separation of solids, liquids, and vapors. This is accomplished effectively by using filtration and separation systems to separate the product from the air or gas stream under vacuum conditions. These specialty and hydraulic filtration systems are used to separate the specific liquids, solids, and vapors from the air stream carried over the manufacturing process. This is often key to the manufacturing process. For instance, the essential oil extraction process must separate specific chemicals under the vacuum to create a usable product.

Common Industrial Air Filtration Applications

Some other common industrial air filtration system applications include:
  • Hydraulic tank breathers
  • Medical, pharmaceutical, and dental vacuum air systems.
  • Elimination of oil mist from the discharge or exhaust of vacuum pumps
  • Industrial processes that involve the use of vacuum pumps and blowers; wastewater treatment, pneumatic conveying, CNC routing, chemical vapor deposition, and steel ragging, etc.
  • Crankcase ventilation; protect the surrounding environment by trapping the oil mist vapors produced by engines and gen-sets.
  • Filtration systems are used to eliminate oil mist from different parts of rotating equipment like turbines, compressors, lube oil systems, gearboxes, and coupling guards.

About Us

Micro-lube is your one-stop shop for all high-quality and reliable industrial filtration, greasing, lubrication, storage, and oil dispensing products. Visit our website to get your desired products, if you can’t find the product you’re looking for in our inventory email or contact us.
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