Benefits Of Using Chain Lubricants | Micro-Lube

  Generally, machines will not operate with a dry or rusty chain, almost every industry requires high-quality chain lubricants for their machinery. Although, different chain lubricants are used in different industries depending on the type of machinery and their usage. Various factors are involved in selecting a lubricant that can suit the demands of your machinery. For instance, a lubricant that serves well for textile machinery might not work well on bike chains. Regardless of the type of lubricant, each chain oil serves the same purpose and provides similar benefits to every machine. So chain lubricants are equally important for the efficient working of machines in every industry. To maintain the efficiency of the machines, the right choice of chain lubricant should be made. Using the wrong lubricant is as dangerous as not using a chain lubricant. Because a chain lubricant that does not suit the requirements of the machine can damage the chain material as well as the machinery. However, engine oil and industrial machine lubricant providers, supply chain lubricants that suit your machine. You can also take the advice of expert industrial lubricant suppliers to find the best solution that can serve your machine well and increase its performance. To understand the importance of chain lubricants the benefits of using them are discussed further in this blog. Hence, every machinery can get the same advantages regardless of the type of lubricant they use.

Smooth Working

A chain is used to operate different parts of a machine, so the working of the chain can affect the working of parts connected to it. The use of chain lubricant helps it rotate smoothly so that the parts connected to the chain can also have smooth movement. Along with that, the chain lubricants eliminate rusting and chances of breakage. A chains’ lubricant not only keeps the material of the chain in good condition but also protects it from damage. The lubricants behave as a protective shield on the chain that keeps it greasy and protects it from damage. Therefore, by using the proper lubricant the chain can be used for a long time as the lubricant increases the efficiency and life of the chain.

Low Energy Consumption

Commonly, the chain is responsible for the movement of the wheels, motor etc, so smooth and trouble-free movement of the chain is mandatory to operate the parts connected to it. On the other hand, if the chain is not working properly the engine will exert more effort to operate at the required speed, consequently, the engine will consume more energy to operate the machine. So using a chain lubricant can minimize the energy consumption as it helps the chain operate with good speed.

Saves On Repair Costs

Chain lubricants keep the structure and material of the chain in good condition, a dry and rusty chain can break due to high-speed rotation. The lubricants protect the chain due to which repairing costs are saved and work for a long time without needing to be repaired.

Less Maintenance

Generally, the chain is considered accurate, if it is working smoothly with excellent rotation speed. Less maintenance is required on machines that are operating accurately. Moreover, it is quite difficult to remove the chain from the machine for frequent maintenance. Hence, using chain lubricants can help you keep the chain intact in the machine for a long period of time. Also, you can save the effort and cost required for the maintenance of the chain.

Reduce Noise

A dry, damaged or un-greasy chain makes a lot of noise which affects its surroundings. Dry chains generate a very loud sound during rotation. Also, increased noise represents that it’s time for lubrication. Thus, lubricating the chain makes it greasy and easy to operate, eventually, minimizing its rotation sound. Also Read: Possible Causes Of A Noisy Bearing

About Micro-Lube

Micro-Lube is a lubrication service provider. We at micro-lube provide exceptional lubrication products and services for your industrial and personal machinery. We aim to give professional, affordable, and personalized service to our valuable customers. Our experienced team can handle all lubrication tasks related to conveyor, and chain lubrication. In addition to lubrication, we also provide filtration services for your lubricants. You can check our wide range of products to find lubricants, filters, oil dispensers, and storage products. If you need any of our products, feel free to contact us, our team will give you the detailed information.

Some Common Terms Related To Industrial Lubricants

Being in the industrial industry requires you to be familiar with everything that can make your company grow and increase your business PR. However, many people don’t realize the importance of having the right education and knowledge about certain terms to help them understand their industry better and prepare them to combat any challenges. Micro-lube has been in the industrial lubricants industry for several years now, and we are ready to serve you with any assistance you want regarding industrial lubricants. You can read our blog section to learn about industrial lubricants, their usage, their benefits, and more. This blog post mentions some common and useful terms used for industrial lubricants. Knowing these terms will make the process of industrial lubricants easier for you from buying, using, and keeping them for years.


Abrasion refers to the general wearing of the machine’s surface, often caused due to lack of proper lubrication and exposure to grime, dust, and dirt.

Absolute Viscosity

Absolute viscosity is a term that is used interchangeably with viscosity. It is used to distinguish it from kinematic viscosity or commercial viscosity. Absolute viscosity is a fluid’s internal resistance to flow. It is divided by fluid density equals kinematic viscosity, and the unit of absolute viscosity is poise. Considering the absolute viscosity while buying an industrial lubricant is important.


An additive is any material incorporated into a lubricant or similar product to import new properties or enhance the existing properties. It is usually used in relatively low concentrations.

Anti-foam Agent

An anti-foam agent is used as an additive to suppress the foaming properties of petroleum products. It converts the small bubbles into large ones that burst more rapidly and decrease the foaming.


An antioxidant is also a chemical used in small quantities to increase oxidative resistance. It helps prolong the base oil’s induction period in oxidizing conditions.

Base Number

The base number is designed as the amount of acid, and all the quantity of hydrochloric or perchloric acid expressed in milligrams of KOH. It neutralizes all the basic constituents of a one-gram petroleum product sample. This term also indicates the capacity of oil to fight the corrosive effects of acidic products.

Boundary Lubrication

Boundary lubrication is lubricating between two rubbing surfaces without developing a lubricating film. It requires antiwear and extreme pressure additives to prevent metal-to-metal contact.


A batch is any quantity of material being considered or handled at a certain time.


It means being capable of being broken down chemically depending on certain microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast, and fungi. Most petroleum products are typically biodegradable in the environment within two months to 2 years.


A catalyst is a substance that increases the chemical reaction rate without itself being used in the chemical process.


Cavitation refers to the formation of an air or vapor pocket. It is caused due to the lowering of pressure in a liquid and occurs in a hydraulic system due to low fluid levels.


Compressibility enhances some property or part of the new property of the base fluid.


Detergent refers to an additive or a compound that has the property of neutralizing the acidic contaminants in the oil.

Dry Lubrication

Dry lubrication is the situation of moving services with no liquid lubricant between them.


An emulsifier is an additive that promotes the formation of a stable emulsion. The emulsion is an intimate mixture of materials that don’t form a homogeneous mixture upon mixing.

Filtration Ratio

Filtration ratio, also known as the beta ratio, is the ratio of particles greater than a given size in the influent fluid to the number of particles greater than the same size of the effluent fluid.

About Us

Micro Lube is a full-service conveyor lubrication systems company with international experience and a genuine commitment to professional, affordable, and personalized service to its diverse customers. Our staff has over ten years of “hands-on” experience in conveyor and chain lubrication which has earned our customers’ confidence in our products and services. The above mentioned are some of the most common terms used in the industrial lubricant industry. There are tons of other important terms as well which you should know about. Contact us for more information for conveyor lubrication and industrial lubricants suppliers in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Why Water-Oil Separation Is Crucial For Industrial Settings

Why Water-Oil Separation Is Crucial For Industrial Settings Water contamination is usually known as the scourge of any machine. The eternal battle continues between lubricant technicians in the wet process industries such as paper and pulp. The competition between outdoor machine applications such as construction and mining and frequent machine washdowns like food processing never seems to come to an end. However, water contamination hazards are not only limited to these industries. They affect all kinds of plants and industries. Both oil and machines are affected by water. Water promotes the oxidation of lubricants base oil and releases additives that attract water. Later, the water settles towards the bottom of the sump. Water hydrolyzes additives which affect the performance of machines. In some cases, this hydrolysis can produce highly corrosive by-products. Resultantly, lubricants degraded by water cannot lubricate and protect the machine efficiently. This inefficiency can lead to severe wear and tear. Read More: What Causes Lubrication Failure?

Water Induced Wear Mechanisms

Common water-induced wear mechanisms include:

Rust And Corrosion

For the production of iron oxides, water attacks steel and iron surfaces. Water binds with the acids in the oil to boost its potential to attack ferrous and non-ferrous metals. As a result, the surfaces deteriorate rapidly in the presence of rust and corrosion, which invite abrasive particles. Rust is also abrasive. Abrasion exposes fresh nascent metal that deteriorates rapidly in water and acids.

Vaporous Cavitation

If vapor pressure reaches low-pressure points of the machine, such as the suction line at the pump, then vapor bubbles expand. Vapor bubbles need exposure to high pressure suddenly, such as in the load zone of a journal bearing. The water bubbles contract at high pressure and go back to the liquid state. Consequently, water droplets impact parts of the machine with force in the form of needle-like micro-jets. This damages the machine and causes erosion and localized surface fatigue. Water contamination also gives the oil the ability to entrain air and increase gaseous contamination.

Film Strength Loss

With elastohydrodynamic (EHD) contacts, the pitch line of gear tooth, and rolling bearing, the strength of lubricating film increases. The increase in the film is due to the viscosity of the oil, which increases with pressure. However, water does not possess the same property. The viscosity of water remains constant and drops slightly with the increase in pressure. Accordingly, the addition of contaminants in water increases contact fatigue and surface-to-surface contact. In high-pressure zones, tribo-chemical reactions cause blisters and embrittlement.

Managing Water Contamination

One of the most effective ways to prevent water contamination is to keep water out from the oil. Water makes its way into reservoirs or sumps where machines interface with the environment. Tips to keep oil void of water are as follows:
  • Mange new oil efficiently
  • Use high-quality shaft and wipe seals
  • Avoid sprays with high pressure in areas near seals if possible
  • Maintain heating/cooling and steam water system seals

Gravity Separation

Water has a higher specific gravity than hydraulic fluids. Due to its high gravity, it settles down at the bottom of the reservoir. The effectiveness of gravity separation improves by using a cone-shaped tank and increasing the fluid temperature. However, gravity separation is not capable of removing dissolved water completely.

Centrifugal Separation

The spinning of fluid can magnify the difference between the specific gravity of water and the fluid. Centrifugal separation removes free water more rapidly than a gravity separator. Moreover, centrifugal separators can remove emulsion water based on the relative strength of centrifugal force and the emulsion of the separator. However, centrifugal separators cannot remove dissolved water.

Vacuum Distillation

This technique can remove emulsified, free and dissolved water. Vacuum distillation units work by effectively boiling water at 150 to 160° and distributing oil over a large surface. Vacuum distillation also removes solvents, fuels, and refrigerants. However, additive vaporization can occur with this technique.


Water contamination can become a severe threat to machines. Machines can become vulnerable to deterioration due to the contamination of water. You should try to keep water away from the oil of your machines. So, technicians should be requested to remove water from the machines.

About Micro-Lube

Micro-Lube is a full-service conveyor lubrication company with international experience and a genuine commitment to professional, affordable, and personalized service to our diverse customers. Our staff has over ten years of “hands-on” experience in storage, conveyor, and chain lubrication which has earned our customers’ confidence in our products and services. Contact us here for more information.

The Importance Of Effective Oil Sampling

The Importance Of Effective Oil Sampling Oils and lubricants play an important role in maintaining a machine. We all know and understand the benefits of a good oil or lubricant for our machines. However, many industrialists do not know the benefits of oil analysis or oil sampling. Oil analysis and oil sampling terms are used interchangeably, and both are used to analyze the contaminants, properties, and wear debris of the lubricant. Conducting regular oil sampling or analysis is important to ensure that the lubricant is in the condition to be used in any machine. This routine oil analysis or oil sampling is an effective way to determine optimum change intervals. Just like using quality industrial lubricants is important for the health of your machines, conducting regular oil analysis and oil sampling is also important for them. This blog post highlights why it is important to conduct regular oil sampling and analysis and how it can benefit your machines.

How Is Oil Sampling Done?

If we take a cursory look at oil sampling, it is a method of conducting oil analysis and checking the oil condition to determine whether it can be used as lubrication or not. It must work according to expectations. Oil sampling is also called oil analysis and includes checking the following three properties:
  • Fluid properties
  • Contamination
  • Wear debris
These properties are checked in each oil analysis procedure, which determines the oil’s performance level. Each batch of oil is QC tested, and its performance is analyzed.

Benefits Of Oil Sampling

It Helps In Enhancing The Equipments Lifespan

One of the biggest benefits of oil sampling is that it helps in enhancing the equipment’s lifespan. If the lubrication you use in any certain machine is up to quality standards, it will perform well in removing the dirt, contamination, and debris from the oil. Such contamination can affect the optimal performance of the machine. Excessive wear and tear can reduce the machine’s age, cause downtimes, and might affect your overall business.

It Tells About The Lubrications Condition

The main purpose of oil sampling is to check the lubricants condition. It helps you decide whether the oil can be used any further or not. Oil sampling also helps you estimate the lifetime of a particular type of oil. It helps you understand how long a certain lubricant can last before it needs to be changed. The period of effective performance is different for different oils. This period can be determined by the process of oil sampling, which might help you decide which oil needs changing.

It Extends The Lubricant’s Life

Another great benefit of the oil sampling method is that it extends the life of the lubricant. How? The process of oil sampling doesn’t only involve analyzing it, but also treats the oil if possible. Oil sampling monitors the oil’s condition and, if necessary, treats and cleans it. Through this, you can reuse the oil in the machine without having to invest in a new one. This also makes the oil change intervals longer.

It Indicates A Machine’s Wear And Tear

When a machine is undergoing a lot of stress. An unhealthy machine will create wear particles at an exponential rate. If the particle rate observed is quite high during the sampling process, it means that the machine is undergoing a lot of wear and tear. This early indication of its condition by analyzing particles can help you take the necessary actions on time. It can also help in avoiding machine failure.

Final Thoughts

Oil sampling is vital to the predictive maintenance of machines. It helps in keeping industrial machines in perfect condition for years by changing the oil at regular intervals and avoiding wear and tear.

About Micro-Lube

Get your oil services from Micro-Lube. Micro Lube is a full-service conveyor lubrication Company with international experience and a genuine commitment to professional, affordable, and personalized service to our diverse customers. We provide:
  • State-of-the-art industrial filters.
  • Lubricants.
  • Oil handling equipment.
  • Other equipment maintenance systems designed for both commercial and industrial applications.
Experiencing operational issues regarding lubrication, filtration, or preventive maintenance? Contact us here for further assistance. Moreover, check out our products here.

Developing A Balanced Lubrication Contamination Prevention Program

Developing A Balanced Lubrication Contamination Prevention Program To understand the importance of a perfect lubrication program we first need to understand why machines fail. The simple answer is that they fail because they wear out. Functional machine parts come in contact with each other twice or thrice every machine cycle. The continuous frictional force can damage the machine parts making them non-functional. Lubricants save them from this frictional damage and enable them to perform their function properly for a long time. Hence you need to understand the types of industrial lubrication and their uses to have better machine maintenance and protection. However, what happens when the lubricant you use is not pure and contaminated? In Simple words, your equipment will wear out. Lubrication contamination makes up almost 90% of the mechanical wear of your industrial equipment. Therefore, to avoid sudden breakdowns, and machine downtimes you need to have an efficient contamination control program for your lubricants. The following blog post provides a comprehensive guide on how you can develop a balanced lubrication contamination prevention program.

Common Oil Filtration And Lubricant Contaminants

Poorly maintained and unmonitored machines will usually end up failing due to contaminated lubricants. Particle contamination is the most common type of contamination and leads to almost all lubricant-related machine wear and failure. So, you need to keep your lubricants safe from possible contaminants to get full effectiveness. Knowing the ways your lubricants can become contaminated will help you a lot in developing a balanced contamination prevention system. Some of the common sources of lubricant contamination include;


There are several ways debris can enter your lubricant. It can be the result of unsafe atmospheric conditions, an improper transfer, or infrequent filter changes.


Poor machine maintenance, design, and improper opening and closing of nozzles can give access to extra air into your lubrication system contaminating it.


Leaks from faulty storage reservoirs, leaking cooling filters or heat exchangers, infiltration from direct water, and vapors from the air can all lead to water being added to your lubricants, making them ineffective.


Thermal changes from water contamination and oxidation changes the chemical composition of lubricants causing long-term machine breakdowns.

Lubrication System Contamination Control Solutions

A predictive and proactive approach works best when it comes to developing a lubricant and oil filtration contamination control strategy. This requires you to better understand your machines, their component tolerance, and formulate a plan based on reliability. Some of the measures you can take to avoid lubrication contamination include:

Scheduling Lubrication Changes

Adding a lubrication change program to your work schedule decreases the chances of forgetting to change the lubricant at the required time. However, know that changing the lubricants too often increases the chances of debris introduction in the lubricants. While changing the lubricants infrequently can decrease the functionality and cause damages. So, proper lubricant change can help you avoid the adverse effects of too often or infrequent lubricant changes.


Excessive air in your lubrication system is considered the worst for your equipment. Therefore, the system should be monitored and tested for any signs of foaming in the lubricants to avoid air contamination and particle damage.

Adequate Ventilation

Make sure that the atmosphere in your working area is filtered and well-ventilated. You can install a facility air-filtration system and design the facility so that the ventilation is effective. This will help you avoid debris contamination coming from the atmosphere.

Oil Analysis

Used oil analysis can be used as the very first indication of a looming contamination threat within your lubrication system. The analysis tells you a lot about what is happening in the system and helps you take preventive measures to have better lubrication system health in the long run.

About Us

Micro-lube is a full-service conveyor lubrication company providing quality products to its customers in Edmonton. We are committed to providing genuine, professional, personalized, and affordable services to our customers. Our services and product quality speak for themselves. We ensure to fulfill your needs and requirements entirely and precisely. If you want to get in touch with us, contact us here.

The Importance Of Timely Draining A Lubricant

The Importance Of Timely Draining A Lubricant The oil in an industrial machine does not wear out which means that the oil does not generally deteriorate. But this being said the oil gradually loses its ability to carry out the basic functions of reducing friction, dissipating heat, and lubricating the parts of the machine. This loss in oil quality that reduces the lubrications’ quality is caused by the self-generated contamination of the various components that are present within the oil. Factors such as the viscosity changes caused by futile oxidation or dilution, oxidation due to overheating, water entry into the system, and the gradual depletion of the additive package play an important role in deteriorating the oil. Apart from these factors, there are other components as well that play a role in oil degradation to a lesser degree such as lean air-fuel ratios, operation of equipment in over-cooled conditions, poor quality fuel, and disconnection or malfunctioning of emission control systems. You can avoid all of this by doing timely oil drains. In this blog post, we will describe the conditions that contribute to oil degradation and the importance of regular oil drains.

Water Contamination

The biggest contributor of oil degradation is water contamination, hence it is your job to make sure that no water enters the system. Any water entry into the turbine or the hydraulic system can cause severe damage, typically in systems that have very low tolerances such as the hydrostatic transmission pump that is used in piston pumps. Water contamination is sometimes caused by condensation due to dramatic changes in temperatures. If the oil in the turbine or hydraulic system starts to appear milky, it is an indication that the water level in the system has increased. This means that you will need to take prompt action to protect the hydraulic and turbine system. Draining the oil is the best option to protect your turbine and hydraulic system. You can also replace the oil or remove the water from the system using a special filtration system that is primarily used for this purpose. If you have a gasoline engine then the combustion of one gallon of gasoline will produce about one gallon of water. If moisture enters the gasoline engine it will cause corrosion, rusting, separation of additives from base oils, and buildup deposits. Similarly, water entering the oil of a diesel engine is also very harmful, typically if you have used poor-quality oil. Low-quality fuel generally has a higher rate of sulfur content so when water combines with sulfur oxides, dangerous acids are formed which will immediately attack the bearings surfaces. Hence to avoid such situations you will need to carry out oil drains to reduce the chances of water contamination.

Additive Depletion

When base oils are blended and formulated using additives, these elements slowly use up the base oils and affect its performance. Due to the extreme pressure and anti-wear, agents get depleted when they are deposited on the metal surfaces. The dispersants and detergents are used up when they come in contact with the contaminated particles present in the oil. The additives are there to protect the system but become depleted when they counteract the acid formation within the oil. So if the oil is not drained and is allowed to remain in service for an extended period of time then the additive package will eventually become depleted or ineffective. Therefore to keep the additives working you will need to drain the old oils and replace them with new ones.

About Micro-Lube

Micro-Lube is one of the most trustworthy industrial lubricant providers in the Edmonton region. We have a complete range of products and offer oil filtration, dispensing, and storage products and solutions. At Micro-Lube, you can find a wide range of lubricants for almost any kind of machine. We help provide you with the best lubricant for your machines and several other products related to filtration, dispensing, chain, conveyor, and more. For more information contact us today.

5 Ways Lubricants Help Keep The Mining Industry Moving

5 Ways Lubricants Help Keep The Mining Industry Moving The mining industry faces three key risks: they are risks of regulation changes, environmental concerns, and operational challenges. The first two of these are extraneous and uncontrollable. However, advancements in lubricant technology and analysis have made operational difficulties less. Using optimized lubricant technologies and analysis can maximize equipment efficiency, reduce environmental impact, cut energy costs, and reduce downtime and maintenance costs. This blog post explains some benefits of using quality mining lubricants in keeping the mining industry running smoothly.

1. Smaller Environmental Footprint

The most significant risk factors in the mining industry are its impact on the environment. These risks include the chances of water contamination due to mining activities and difficulties in moving to a low-carbon economy. Choosing lubricants and fluids with a long fluid life can help reduce the amount of lubricant waste a mine produces. When a lubricant lasts long you need to dispose of it less often. Combining the use of quality lubricants with a robust process can help mitigate the risk of contamination through disposal. New technologies have developed lubricants especially to reduce energy dependency. Swapping your traditional lubricants to energy-efficient mining lubricants can be a step in the right direction.

2. Productivity Optimization

Unplanned and sudden downtimes can decrease business productivity by increasing business interruptions in the mine. Lubricant analysis can help you to reduce this risk by providing a predictive and proactive approach to maintenance. Monitoring the level of oil and other greasing materials in your machinery is like a health check for your operations. Traditionally, manual labeling and processing of the oil samples made the job time-consuming and difficult. However, advancements in technology have made the process less strenuous.

3. Reduce Maintenance

Mineworkers have the highest chances of facing worksite accidents, injuries, and even sometimes death. While it is difficult to control the natural and environmental causes of accidents, you can surely limit the manual or machine-caused safety hazards. Reducing the amount of equipment maintenance and increasing machine life can help to reduce the risk of personal safety and productivity. Heavy-duty mining machines experience extensive wear and tear on metal surfaces due to friction and continuous contact with hard rock surfaces. One way to decrease metal wear and tear is to use boundary lubricants like graphite or molybdenum disulfide. These help reduce the amount of friction between the metal and hard surfaces. Gear and axles can also fall victim to excessive friction. The use of special gear lubricants such as gear mate mining lubricants can help you avoid premature gear failures caused by shocks and friction.

4. Lower Costs

With tax and mining royalties reaching high on the horizon, cost savings are delivered by using quality and correct mining lubricants. These also decrease maintenance costs, and energy consumption which also make a significant difference in mining budgets. Moreover, the optimum use of lubricants saves cost by eradicating unplanned downtimes, machine breakdowns, making a difference in the industry’s bottom line.

5. Improved Safety

Many mining industry hazards and accidents stem from human and machine interaction. Using a lubricant that decreases downtime and machine maintenance, means decreasing the time your employees will spend in hazardous situations. A mining lubricant with long lubrication intervals and a long drain can also increase your worker’s safety by decreasing the number of times they have to carry out these maintenance activities.

About Us

Micro-lube is a full-service conveyor lubrication company. We have international experience and a genuine commitment to serve our wide range of customers from various industries at an affordable rate in a personalized manner. Our staff is well-trained and has a hand on more than ten years of experience in the conveyor and chain lubrication industry. We have a wide range of reliable products including filtration systems, mining lubricants, chain & conveyors, manufacturing machinery maintenance products, and more. Visit our website or contact us now to get the best and reliable conveyor and lubrication products and services.

Things To Consider While Dispensing A Lubricant

Things To Consider While Dispensing A Lubricant If you think that buying a lubricant and storing it is all you need to focus on, this is not entirely true. Oil dispensing is also an essential part of lubricant handling. Most people ignore it because it may be the last step after procuring and storing the lubricant in a suitable place within your industrial facility.

Use A State Of The Art Dispensing System

The first thing you need to ensure before dispensing your lubricant is to buy the best dispensing system. This will ensure that you can transfer the lubricant from the storage location to the machinery safely. Moreover, it ensures that you transfer the correct quantity to the machinery to enable it to function perfectly.

Avoid Any Spilling

Most incidents that happen during the dispensing of a lubricant involve spilling. This happens when a substandard dispensing system or other equipment is used. There are more chances of spilling the lubricant on the floor before it reaches its destination. When you spill the lubricant, it costs you money and causes a delay in the machinery’s operation. Consequently, the business may suffer a significant loss. In addition to the economic loss and hampered business continuity, spilling the lubricant increases the threats of slips and falls. Using quality oil dispensing equipment and following its SOP’s strictly will enable you to efficiently conduct the dispensing of the lubricant to its machinery.

Avoid Lubricant Contamination

Another significant element to take care of is to ensure that you don’t expose the lubricants to any contamination. Keeping the lubricant contamination-free during the storage and dispensing process is critical in an efficient lubrication program. Once the lubricant is contaminated, it is almost impossible to make it reusable again. Once it loses its purity and integrity it’s game over. This is why it is crucial to ensure that no contamination like dust, water, chemicals, or other types of harmful materials come in contact with the lubricant.

Ensuring The Right Lubricant In The Right Machine

You can’t afford to put the wrong lubricant in a machine. It will destroy the performance of the machinery and may also cause damage to its components. You need to be very watchful when handling and storing the lubricants in your industrial facility. You can carefully label the lubricant containers to avoid any mistakes by your staff members responsible for the lubricants dispensing, maintaining, and handling. A slight mistake while dispensing the lubricant to the machine can cause severe damage to the machinery and the business. The working conditions of your machine like its temperature and workload will determine which lubricant will perform best. If you use the wrong lubricant by mistake, it may not serve the purpose.

Following The Timeline Strictly

Last but not least is to follow the proper timeline for every machine. Dispensing the lubricant from the machine on time is as crucial as anything else we have discussed above. This is because delaying the replacement of a lubricant can deteriorate the condition and performance of your machinery. The longer you keep a lubricant in storage, the higher the chances of contamination, expiring, and other types of damage. Following the deadlines of the lubrication program ensures the efficiency and productivity of the lubricant and the machinery. Micro-Lube is the most experienced lubricant provider in Edmonton. We offer a complete range of lubricants and help you make and implement an effective lubrication program. To get in touch with us, click here.

5 Factors That Affect A Lubricant’s Behavior And Performance

5 Factors That Affect A Lubricant’s Behavior And Performance When deciding on what lubricant to use in your machinery, several factors can affect its performance and behavior. When deciding on what lubricant to use in your machinery, several factors can affect its performance and behavior. You must be watchful of these factors to keep your lubricant functioning at its best.


The temperature at which a lubricant must operate is a key factor that can affect the lubricant’s functionality. Different lubricants have different capabilities at operating under specific temperatures. When you select a specific lubricant, you must check if it can perform well under the temperature that your machine’s working conditions involve. Even after selecting a suitable lubricant, you need to monitor what temperature the lubricant is facing. There might be changes in the temperature when a machine keeps on functioning for long hours. In this case, a constant and regular inspection of factors affecting the lubricant’s performance is crucial.

Machine Usage

Machine operators must correctly operate their machines. This will ensure that the machine’s components will work properly, and the lubricant inside the machinery also performs at its best. For instance, the number of hours you use the machine per day, or the amount of days it works in a week, the speed at which the machine operates, need to be corrected. By using the machine properly, you can enhance the lifespan of the machinery and its lubricant.

Quantity Of The Lubricant

The quantity of a lubricant is also a crucial factor in determining the performance of a lubricant. Using an excessive quantity of lubricant in your machine will not be suitable for the machine or the lubricant. Similarly, if you don’t use enough lubricant, it will cause wear and tear on the machine. Therefore, it is critical to ensure you use the correct quantity of lubricant to achieve the best results. The right amount will depend on the machine. You need experienced staff and machine operators to check on the lubricant’s quantity in the machine. If there is a decrease in the level, they need to top up the lubricant. Apart from trained and experienced staff, there must be a strict lubrication program in place to ensure your machines efficiency and SOP’s for people to follow.

Quality Of A Lubricant

Only the best quality lubricant is likely to perform well and meet your lubrication needs and requirements in the best possible manner. You must never opt for the second or third best quality lubricants when selecting one. When deciding on which lubricant is best for your machine check the lubricant’s brand quality, trustworthiness, durability, and reputation in the market. Selecting the best lubrication product in the market will reduce the chances of disappointment and failure later. If you wish for your machinery to deliver the best results, you must lubricate it with a top-quality lubrication product.

Age Of A Lubricant

The expiry of your lubricant is a critical factor that will affect the behavior and performance of your lubricant. If the lubricant has passed its age and is due to be replaced, its performance will not be the same. You must replace your lubricants if they are past their due date. Doing so can save your machinery and keep the lubricant’s behavior the same. The quality of your lubricant depends on its manufacture date and the time at which you use it in your machine. Once your lubricants’ viscosity starts to decrease, it needs to be replaced. If you delay the replacement, it can cause damage to your machine’s internal components. At Micro-Lube, we provide our clients with good quality lubrication products that suit their machinery to help them work at their best. To get in touch with us, click here.

6 Ways In Which Industrial Lubricants Help The Mining Industry

Mining is an essential sector for the development of any country. If it is not working fine, chances are that the country’s economy will suffer greatly. Recently, many factors were considered to determine the dependency of the mining sector on other various things. And those findings made it obvious how crucial it is to have suitable industrial lubricants and conduct a lubricant analysis for mining machinery. Apart from socio-political, economic, and geographical factors, mining is heavily dependent on operational factors. Such operational factors include how the internal working of a particular sector is. Research showed that almost 96% of mining companies were unaware of unplanned equipment shutdowns. Most of those shutdowns occurred because of negligence towards industrial lubricants. The most common reasons related to lubricant negligence were incorrect selection and management of industrial lubricants. No staff training came out as the second major cause. However, if you study recent developmental factors for the mining industry, industrial lubricants played a major role in the mining sector’s growth. They helped in the efficiency of the machines, thus reducing their operational downtime. This blog post highlights how industrial lubricants can benefit the mining industry.

Reduced Cost Of Lubrication

Your mining machinery is dependent on high-quality and effective lubrication products. Such products keep your machines in their best working condition for a long time. A good quality industrial lubricant requires fewer oil changes. This reduces the overall cost of lubrication. Hence, investing in a high-quality industrial lubricant is a wise decision to benefit your mining industry in the long run.

Reduced Amount Of Lubrication Waste

Mining produces a lot of waste, and its proper disposal is crucial to maintain a healthy environment. The right industrial lubricants will ensure that the machines work fine. This will reduce the risk of contamination through disposal. Switching to energy-efficient industrial lubricants helps reduce the amount of waste produced. They have reduced the thermal stress on equipment with extended lifetimes. This helps to reduce your carbon footprint.

Optimized Productivity

Industrial lubricants can help reduce your machine’s downtime. Unplanned downtimes because of machine failures can put a halt to your mining operations. Changing lubricants timely can avoid machine failure and help you detect the problems in their early stages.

Reduced Machine Maintenance

Industrial lubrication requires less machine maintenance as you will know your machine conditions and when they need maintenance. If the machines are not appropriately lubricated, they might cease to work in severe work conditions related to mining. Using the proper industrial lubricant can reduce friction under high loads. Gears and axles can become damaged due to shocks and loading. Industrial lubricants help to maintain your machines under such working conditions so that they can continue to work for a long time.

Industrial Lubricants Ensure Safe Mining

Abrasive conditions, oscillating movements, jerks, and exceptional temperature conditions can make it hard for equipment to function correctly. Industrial lubricants avoid pipe corrosion and in-sufficient hydraulic oils. Such conditions can cause accidents. Industrial lubricants help protect your machines from such problems and give you a safe mining experience.

Industrial Lubricants Can Help Lower Costs

Cost is a priority for the mining industry. Timely industrial lubrication can avoid cost overruns. When you spend less on machine maintenance and failures, you can use that cost to improve your mining operations. This also helps in preventing loss of productivity.

About Micro-Lube

Micro-Lube provides an exceptional and wide variety of industrial lubricants and greases. Mining companies rely on Micro-Lube for the efficiency of their machinery in the harshest working areas. Get in touch with us by clicking here and avail premium quality lubrication products and click on industrial lubricant suppliers, if you need industrial lubricants in Edmonton Canada. Related topic:  Know about the Basics of Automatic Lubrication System
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